Andrews University Safe Sports Policy for Athletic Staff & Student Athletes


Table of Contents


Reporting Prohibited Conduct

Summary of Prohibited Conduct

Sexual Harassment
Bullying, Harassment & Hazing
Physical Related Misconduct
Other Prohibited Physical Contact
Crossing Professional Boundaries & Other Inappropriate Conduct
Illegal Misconduct

Summary of Process Misconduct

Aiding and Abetting
Intentionally Filing a False Allegation
Abuse of Process

Prevention Policies

One-on-One Contact
Locker Rooms/Changing Areas
Direct Physical Contact
Massaging, Icing & Taping
Communications (Direct and Electronic)
Photography/ Videography
Minor Athlete Parent/Guardian Access to Training Sessions
AU Employee Working Policy & Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Travel Policy

Andrews University Athletics Training & Program Review 

Glossary of Terms



The Andrews University Safe Sports Policy [Policy] defines our University framework to protect our student athletes and athletic staff. Overarching is an unwavering commitment to promote a safe and positive environment where student athletes are empowered to develop their athletic and team skills as they explore God’s calling for their life and prepare to make a positive contribution in this world.

Every student athlete has the right to participate in a safe place, regardless of whether they
are learning a basic skill or representing Andrews University. Thus, we are dedicated to creating a culture that actively works to prevent the opportunity for misconduct.

Drawing upon the best practices from across the athletics and gymnastics community, this Policy outlines a three-pronged process to protect our student athletes as well as our athletic staff. Specifically, it 1) stipulates mandatory reporting, 2) defines prohibited conduct and 3) establishes comprehensive prevention policies. Ultimately, the safety and well-being of our student athletes is our utmost priority and dependent upon each of us, individually and collectively, to build a safe environment where our student athletes can train, engage and thrive.

This Andrews University Safe Sports Policy will be available for review on the Andrews University Office of Athletics & Intramurals website. Andrews University reserves the right to update this policy as deemed necessary.

Reporting Prohibited Conduct

Reports of alleged sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or other prohibted misconduct must be made immediately to the appropriate entity outlined below. No one on their own should investigate or attempt to evaluate the credibility or validity of such reports.

The University will respond to allegations using established best practices that will provide fair and equitable as well as appropriate processes for all parties involved.

All athletic staff, coaches and volunteer coaches must report as follows:

  1. Must report all alledged sexual harassment or misconduct to the Andrews Unversity Title IX Office, ideally within 24–48 hours upon learning of the misconduct.
  2. Must report all alleged prohibited misconduct to the Athletics director (or to the Title IX Office) when they become aware.
  3. Must report any alleged criminal charges or “dispositions” involving sex or minors to Campus Safety, ideally to the asociate vice president/director for Campus Safety. The AVP/director will follow established reporting processes and direct the report to the Berrien Springs Police Department (BSPD) and/or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services by calling 855-444-3911.
  4. Must provide a supplement to their report if any new information is learned.

Failure to report these matters is misconduct under the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Summary of Prohibited Conduct

The following is a summary of conduct that is prohibited at all times during on-campus events as well as for all day and overnight off-campus travel and events as defined by the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy. All prohibited conduct outlined in this policy is subject to an appropriate University process, and corrective action, up to and including an employment or volunteer dismissal.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature including sexual assault, quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Click here for descriptions of sexual harassment or of any Title IX violation as defined by the Andrews University Title IX Policy.


“Stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person either—

  1. To fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or
  2. To suffer substantial emotional distress.

Bullying, Harassment & Hazing

Repeated, excessive, and/or severe verbal and physical conduct that subjects a student athlete, physically or emotionally, to conduct that serves no productive training purpose. This includes conduct that may:

  1. Cause fear, humiliation, degrades, intimidation, or that may endanger;
  2. Deny attention or support by ignoring or isolating a person for extreme periods, including arbitrary exclusion from practice/training (understanding that a coach may need to respond to misconduct by a student athlete with a reasonable corrective action);
  3. Create a hostile environment (as defined in the Title IX policy);
  4. Reflect discriminatory bias in an attempt to establish dominance or power over an individual or group based on age, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, national origin, or mental or physical disability.

Any such conduct that may occur as a condition of joining or being socially accepted by a team or organization would also be a hazing violation.

Whether conduct is harassing depends on the totality of the circumstances, including the nature, frequency, intensity, location, context and duration of the behavior.

Physical Related Misconduct

Any intentional behavior that causes or reasonably threatens to cause physical harm to another person. This includes the following:

  1. Physical Contact violations with another person by body or object (not in the course of typical play).
  2. Encouraging or knowingly permitting a student athlete to return to play prematurely following a serious injury and without clearance of a medical professional.
  3. Ignoring Head Injury protocols
    • If there is any doubt, sit them out.
    • Can return to play only when cleared by the team trainer or a medical professional.
    • If diagnosed with a concussion, implement return to play protocol.
  4. Actions that confine, isolate or place athletics in excessively painful stances;
  5. Actions that fail to respond to reasonable needs for hydration, nutrition, food, use of the restroom, or sleep.

Other Prohibited Physical Contact

Athletic staff violate this policy by engaging with a student athlete in any of the following, but not limited to:

  1. Full body frontal hugs;
  2. Excessive touching;
  3. Kissing;
  4. Touching, slapping, or otherwise contacting the genital areas, buttocks, breasts, upper thigh or groin area;
  5. Touching any other part of the body that might cause a student athlete distress or embarrassment;
  6. Stroking or caressing (outside of immediate pain mitigation protocols at the event);
  7. Roughhousing or tickling;
  8. Compromising positions while stretching such as laying or sitting on top of the athlete or facing and being in close proximity to an athlete in a static straddle.

Crossing Professional Boundaries & Other Inappropriate Conduct

Professional boundaries are the foundation of a relationship between athletic staff, coaches and athletes upon which trust is built and maintained.

  1. The coach and athlete relationship is characterized by a power imbalance in favor of the coach. Athletes are taught to respect and listen to their coaches, and can become dependent upon the coach’s knowledge and training to further develop their skills.
  2. The responsibility is always with the adult staff to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries with student athletes.
  3. Both trust and power can be misused to breach the coach-athlete relationship, when the adult places their needs above the needs of the athlete.

The following are examples of prohibited and/or inappropriate conduct for all Andrews employees as well as the professional athletic staff in the context of interactions with a student athlete:

  1. Making or directing suggestive remarks or actions (e.g., catcalls, sounds, regarding the student athlete’s appearance) or other type of sexualized attention to a student athlete;
  2. Using obscene language, jokes or gestures of a sexual or disrespectful nature;
  3. Engaging in any type of romantic or intimate relationships (outside of marriage) with a student athlete, regardless of that student athlete's age;
  4. Confiding sensitive personal information with a student athlete (e.g., sharing financial or relationship problems) or asking student athletes to keep secrets;
  5. Creating an emotional dependency and isolating the student athlete from or pitting them against other teammates, staff or parents.

Illegal Misconduct

Any other conduct prohibited by state or federal law is also a violation of this Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Summary of Process Misconduct

Aiding and Abetting

Knowingly facilitating, promoting or encouraging the commission of prohibited conduct outlined in this Safe Sports policy, AU Title IX policy, United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) or the Jr. Cardinals Constitution.

Intentionally Filing a False Allegation

Any person making a knowingly false allegation in a matter related to this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action by the responsible entity.

An allegation is false if there is a preponderance of evidence that the events reported did not occur, and the reporter knew the reported events did not occur. A “false allegation” does not include a report with insufficient supporting evidence to determine if the events are true or false.
Any good faith report is not considered a false allegation.

Abuse of Process

Engaging in or attempting to influence others to engage in any of the following regarding a University or Title IX process including:

  1. Falsifying, distorting or misrepresenting information, the resolution process or outcome;
  2. Destroying or concealing information;
  3. Harassing or intimidating (verbally or physically) or attempting to discourage any person’s involvement in a University process (including up to, through and after any process);
  4. Publicly disclosing a complainant’s identifying information;
  5. Failing to comply with a temporary measure or other type of sanction; or
  6. Distributing materials created during an investigation as a part of University processes.


It is misconduct under this Policy to engage in, or to involve another in any of the following:

  1. Taking adverse action against any person for making a good faith report of a possible violation of this policy or other University policy; or
  2. Taking adverse action against any person for participating in any University process or for upholding the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Prevention Policies

One-on-One Contact

One-on-one contact is an interaction between one unrelated athletic staff and one student athlete.

  1. Acceptable: Only if it is observable and conducted at a distance that allows interruption by another adult (i.e. in an open area, or an office with an open door or in a closed office that has a door with a window, or another applicable adult is present and informed about the meeting).
  2. Prohibited: All other one-on-one interactions, meetings, conferences and training sessions between unrelated athletic staff and student athletes are prohibited, except as stated in this policy.


  1. Andrews University recognizes the following exceptions to the prohibitions against one-on-one contact:
    • Emergency circumstances, such as fires and medical emergencies.
    • All individual training sessions must comply with the One-on-One Policy by being observable and interruptible by another adult at all times.


  1. If the athlete is a minor, the minor athlete’s parent or legal guardian must be present.
  2. A minor’s legal guardian must be allowed to attend the individual training session.
  3. Written permission must be provided in advance of individual training sessions if the parent cannot attend (this is discouraged and must be renewed at least every six months).
  4. Leaving minor athletes unattended or unsupervised violates this policy.
  5. One adult and one unrelated minor athlete alone in a facility violates this policy.
  6. If the subject matter is confidential and requires a medical or mental healthcare professional, a minor parent or guardian must first be involved in selecting and providing legal authorization directly to the athletic staff.

Locker Rooms/Changing Areas

The One-on-One Policy applies at all times, including in locker rooms, changing areas and restrooms.

  1. Athletic staff should never be alone in a locker room or changing area with a single unrelated minor or a student athlete of the opposite gender, except under emergency circumstances.
  2. Athletic staff (of the opposite gender to a single gender team) should not be in the opposite gender locker room or changing area unless it is the only designated area for a team meeting during pregame, half-time or post-game and another opposite gender staff or team captain has confirmed readiness of the athletes.
  3. No recording of any kind is permitted in locker rooms, rest rooms, changing areas. This includes voice recording, still cameras, and video recording.
  4. Adult staff shall not intentionally expose their buttocks, groin or genitals or breast (if female) to a student athlete at any time or induce another to do so. This prohibition does not apply to a nursing mother.
  5. Locker rooms or designated changing areas should be regularly and randomly monitored. Athletic staff should post locker room policies specific to their facility.

Direct Physical Contact

The nature of some sports is more likely to require athletic staff to come into physical contact with student athletes. Even so, physical contact between athletic staff and student athletes should take place in the best interest of the student athlete and only when necessary to:

  1. Teach a student athlete how to use a piece of apparatus or equipment;
  2. Teach a student athlete how to develop skills or techniques;
  3. Teach a student athlete a motion to prevent the risk of an injury or treat an injury; or
  4. Meet the requirements of the sport.

The following guidelines should be followed.

  1. Athletic staff should explain to new student athletes (and in the case of minors their parents or guardians) the type of any physical contact that is part of the activity.
  2. Unless the situation is an emergency, the adult should ask the student athlete for permission to demonstrate a specific sports technique.
  3. Student athletes should be encouraged to voice concerns they have if any interactions or contact makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened.
  4. Physical contact should always take place in an open environment and not take place in secret or out of sight of others.

Athletic staff should be aware of the limits within which such contact should properly take place. Even in sports where there is a need to support or touch a student athlete, over–handling and unnecessary physical contact should be avoided. Even well intentioned gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm, can, if repeated regularly, be misinterpreted and create discomfort.

Examples of appropriate physical contact between athletic staff and student athletes to celebrate a success include the following:

  1. A high five or fist bump;
  2. A pat on the back; and
  3. A side by side hug (an arm reaches out around the other’s shoulders).

Massaging, Icing & Taping

  1. Athletic staff, coaches and trainers are not permitted to provide massages to student athletes, beyond immediate pain mitigation during the pregame, game or performance.
  2. Any immediate pain mitigation massage must include the following:
    • Be performed in an open and interruptible location;
    • A second adult with a full unobstructed view is present at all times;
    • General written consent is obtained from the student athlete in the Hold Harmless Agreement Forms and (Permission to Treat Form for minors);
    • A right for the student athlete to stop the pain mitigation without explanation; and
    • Any deviation from the mitigation plan must be approved before implementation.
  3. Any contact, icing or taping with the genitalia, breast or buttocks of a student athlete by an athletic staff or trainer is explicitly prohibited, and must be reported to the Title IX Office and legal authorities (if a minor).
    • The single exception is in the case of a groin pull, when the adult student athlete provides their written and informed consent for the athletic trainer, in the presence of a third adult, to tape or wrap in a manner that interfaces with the upper thigh and upper hip/buttocks area.
    • If ice is applied to these areas, the student athlete must self-apply the ice.
  4. Minor Athlete
    • Parents and legal guardians of minor athletes must provide written consent in the Consent to Treat Form before any immediate pain mitigation, taping, or beyond icing or immediate first aid and can remove their consent at any time.
    • Any contact, icing or taping with the genitalia, breast or buttocks of a student athlete by any athletic staff is explicitly prohibited, and if the athlete is a minor it must be reported to the Title IX Office and legal authorities.

Communications (Direct & Electronic)

Electronic communication (texting, email, Instagram) from athletic staff to student athletes must:

  1. Comply with the One-on-One Policy;
  2. Be sent only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., excepting travel or emergency circumstances;
  3. Be in group (team) format, or at a minimum to multiple players (include other coaches, etc.) and be related to the athletic program activities; and
  4. Be professional in nature and mindful of appropriate messaging and content.

Any private or public communication between athletic staff and student athletes involving obscene language, inappropriate comments, sexualized jokes, gestures or content, suggestive remarks, drug or alcohol references is prohibited and must be reported.

Minor Student Athlete Communications

  1. Be sent only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (or no later than one hour following practice) excepting travel or emergency circumstances; communications after 8 p.m. should be copied to parents of minor athletes.
  2. Private communication from a minor student athlete in violation of the One-on-One Policy must be brought to the parent or guardian’s attention before responding. Future communications must include a third party, following notice to the parent.
  3. Electronic communications to an entire team must include at least one other athletic staff if any team member is a minor.
  4. If it is necessary to communicate electronically with one player of the opposite gender, minor athlete, the parent or legal guardian of the player should be included in the complete communication.
  5. Written requests from a parent or guardian that a minor athlete not be contacted through electronic communications must be honored.
  6. Athletic staff and student athletes are not permitted to maintain private social media connections with unrelated minor athletes. The athletic staff must discontinue all such existing connections if they violate this policy.


  1. Photographs or videos taken of student athletes should be taken in groups during game or practice sessions.
  2. Photos of individual athletes should not be taken on the personal cell phones of coaches. As far as possible they should be taken by the Andrews University Communication team or by a person or student athlete designated as the team photographer.
  3. All photos taken by the Office of University Communication, student athlete/team photographer, or by a Coach should be stored in a shared online file accessible by the Athletics director.
  4. All such photos/videos must be taken in public view, observe generally accepted standards of decency (avoiding closeups of private body parts, etc.), and must serve the best interest of the student athlete.
  5. A student athlete (or legal guardian of a minor athlete) may request that the student athlete’s picture not be taken or be removed from a publication or posting.


  1. Personal gifts are not permitted to be given to sole student athletes by Athletics staff.
  2. Athletics staff may set their own guidelines for modest gestures of appreciation or a reward system as long as the system equally applies to all eligible student athletes and serves a legitimate motivational, inspirational or educational purpose.
  3. The reward system must be:
    • Approved by the Athletics director(s);
    • Clearly defined for the coaches and parents;
    • Accessible to all individual members in a group or team;
    • Given without conditions or restrictions regarding the relationship between the student athlete and Athletics staff; and
    • Given in the presence of at least one other adult within established guidelines.

Minor Athlete Parent/Guardian Access to Training Sessions

  1. Parents and guardians of minor athletes must have access to practice or training sessions(subject to space and safety limitations).
    • Athletics staff may not prohibit a specific parent or guardian from physical access without fair notice and process and must provide a reasonable alternative for that parent or guardian to view their student athlete’s practice or training sessions.
    • The Athletics director(s) may set parameters for appropriate viewing behavior.

Andrews University Employee Working Policy & Alcohol and Drug Use

  1. All Athletics staff are to abide by the guidelines outlined in the Working Policy.
  2. They are also expressly forbidden from engaging in any of the following while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, regardless of level of impairment or intoxication:
    • Instructing or spotting student athletes; or
    • Being in the presence of student athletes or transporting student athletes.
  3. “Impairment” and “under the influence of” drugs or alcohol may be determined by good faith opinions of Athletics staff regarding observable behavior and related context.

Travel Policy

The established Risk Management Travel policies should be followed for all athletic team travel 

Guests are not allowed to travel in the team vehicles. Volunteers can only participate if they have a specific purpose or an assigned role on the trip and all expenses are paid personally by the volunteer (effective Sept. 7, 2022).

Local Travel/Day Trips

  1. All trips require a Group Leader who is a full-time faculty or staff member who must accompany the group and oversee the trip in its entirety.
  2. The Group Leader ensures each participant completes a Hold Harmless Agreement.
  3. It is recommended that Andrews University Transportation services be utilized for trips involving students as all participants are covered under Andrews University’s auto policy while in the vehicle.
  4. When driving personal vehicles, the owners take on most of the insurance risk.
  5. Minor Athlete
    • Absent emergency circumstances, an Athletics staff shall not ride in a vehicle alone with a single unrelated minor athlete. A second minor athlete or second adult must always be present.

Overnight Team Travel

  1. All co-ed overnight trips require both a male and female sponsor. (One must be a full-time faculty or staff. The other cannot be a spouse.)
  2. The Group Leader begins the approval process (by reviewing all trip related forms) 30 days in advance but no later than two weeks in advance.
  3. Then all paperwork and budget must be approved by the vice president for Financial Administration before meeting with Risk Management
  4. Two weeks before departure, the Group Leader meets with the Risk Manager (Loretta Nave), bringing the completed Overnight Domestic Safety Planning Sheet. Legal names rather than nicknames must be supplied on the documents.
  5. Complete and submit a Travel Request Form using the Non-Academic Sheets.
  6. All traveling participants must complete and return signed Medical Forms and Hold Harmless Agreement Forms to the travel Group Leader.
  7. If traveling internationally, short-term travel insurance must be purchased for all participants through Adventist Risk Management.

Hotel Rooms

  1. When student athletes share rooms, they must be of the same gender. An appropriate number of student athletes will be assigned per room depending on accommodations.
  2. Student athletes are permitted to make and receive regular check-in telephone calls to or from parents/guardians or any calls that do not interfere with team events. Emergency calls will be permitted regardless of team schedule or events.
  3. Meetings should not be conducted in a hotel room.
  4. Adult pay-per-view channel access should be blocked for student athlete rooms.
  5. Provide Athletics staff contact information to parents/guardians of minors before travel.
  6. All student athletes must be notified in writing before travel and receive travel itineraries.
  7. Minor Athlete:
    • Parents or guardians must be notified before travel and receive travel itineraries.
    • Athletics staff shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with an unrelated minor athlete.
    • When only one Athletics staff member and one unrelated minor athlete (or student athlete) travel to an event together, the minor athlete must have a legal guardian’s written permission in advance for each trip. Contact between the two should only occur in an observable and interruptible setting. While traveling, the Athletics staff shall not sit side by side during transport with an unrelated minor athlete.

Andrews University Athletics Training & Program Review

  1. Athletics staff who coach, train and travel with student athletes and have “authority over” or interface with minor athletes “on a regular basis” must successfully
    • Pass the Sterling training course and criminal background check process with the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
    • Provide their acknowledgement of the Andrews University Safe Sport Policy.
    • Attend an annual Title IX training with Andrews University.
  2. The Andrews University Athletics director will facilitate an annual review of this Safe Sport Policy that includes opportunity for feedback from all athletic staff, coaches and volunteer coaches, and, in consultation with the vice president for Campus & Student Life, will update the policy as deemed necessary.
  3. An annual program review will be conducted (following each sports specific program) for all athletic teams at the University and Jr. Cardinal levels.

Glossary of Terms

The definitions below are intended to provide clarity. Many of the terms are defined under federal law or within the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s policies. In other cases, the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy uses specific defined terms that it believes are relevant to its core operations.

Adult—Any person age 18 years or older; an “adult participant” is defined by the Protecting Young Victims Act; an “applicable adult” is defined by the U.S Center for SafeSport’s minor athlete Abuse Prevention Policies.

Athletics Staff—Includes full-time and part-time Athletics staff as well as volunteer coaches, but is not necessarily limited to any person authorized by the Athletics director to interact with a minor athlete or student athlete at an organization facility or event. These individuals are also required by federal law to report Child Abuse to legal authorities and abuse of student athletes to the Athletics director.

Child Abuse—Has the meaning established under relevant state or federal law. The federal definition of Child Abuse must be considered at all times, and is defined by the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990. Abuse may also be defined by the law of the state in which the behavior occurs.

Coach—Is a person who is authorized to instruct or train student athletes, based on supervisory, evaluative or other authority over that student athlete. This includes, but is not limited to, Athletics staff, coaches and volunteers. The SafeSport Code states that once a Coach-Athlete relationship is established, a power Imbalance is presumed to exist throughout the relationship, regardless of age.

Complaint—Document alleging a violation of the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Complainant—The person who is alleged to have experienced conduct that constitutes a violation of the Andrews University Safe Sports Code.

Event—As defined by the Protecting Young Victims and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017, includes any activities sanctioned by Andrews University, or related to those activities:

  1. Travel
  2. Lodging
  3. Training (practice)
  4. Competition or performance
  5. Health or medical treatment

False Allegation—An allegation is false if it is proven that the events reported did not occur, and the person made the report knowing the reported events did not occur.

Federal Child Abuse Definitions—Athletics staff must comply with federal Child Abuse reporting standards. Terms relevant to those standards include:

  1. “Child Abuse” means the physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment of a child.
  2. “Physical injury” includes, but is not limited to, lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries, severe bruising or serious bodily harm.
  3. “Mental injury” means harm to a child’s psychological or intellectual functioning, which may be exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior, or a combination of those behaviors. This harm is demonstrated by a change in behavior, emotional response or cognition.
  4. “Sexual abuse” includes the use, persuasion, inducement, enticement or coercion of a child to engage in, or assist another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct or the rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children.
  5. “Sexually explicit conduct” refers to actual or simulated sexual conduct.
  6. “Exploitation” means child pornography or child prostitution.
  7. “Negligent treatment” is the failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care, seriously endangering the physical health of the child.

Minor Athlete—Defined by the SafeSport Code as “an individual who is, or is perceived by the Respondent to be, under the age of 18.” Within the context of Andrews University, this includes participants in the Jr. Cardinal program as well as the Infinite Gymnastics program.

Power Imbalance—Exists where, “based on the totality of the circumstances, one person has supervisory, evaluative, or other authority over another.” A Power Imbalance is presumed to exist through the duration of a Coach-Athlete relationship.

SafeSport Authorization Act—Shall refer to the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017.”

Safe Sports Policy—Refers to the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Safe Sports Violation—is an action that constitutes one or more violations of the Prohibited Conduct, as outlined in the Andrews University Safe Sports Policy.

Student Athlete—Is a student enrolled at Andrews University selected to be a member of an intercollegiate athletic team, as a member of the gymnastics team.

Title IX Violation—is an action that constitutes a violation of the Andrews University Title IX Policy.


Safe Sports Policy Effective Date: October 2022

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